Expert Witness Reports

Typical GCA recent cases include:
Construction disputes
Structural defects
Party Wall Act disputes
Planning Disputes
For the majority of our clients we offer a three stages approach:
1] Preliminary Case Appraisal
2] Detailed Expert Witness Reports / Services
3] Advice and Court Attendance
GCA has a dedicated team of Chartered Structural, Civil and Transportation Engineers to provide legal professionals with the necessary support to prepare case appraisals and detailed reports and to attend court as expert witnesses.
All commissions are led and prepared by a Director at GCA in full compliance with joint expert witness and CPR rules.
GCA have extensive experience in providing CPR Part 35 Expert Witness services across all areas of our knowledge and expertise. We can provide a quick case appraisal to prevent costly abortive litigation as well as traditional full expert reporting and court attendance if required.
GCA staff can provide full CVs to demonstrate full competency to Civil and Criminal Courts in the areas of structural engineering, subsidence and planning disputes.
With a case load of approximately 50% Defendant and 50% Claimant appointments, we are well placed to provide professional support to resolve issues in the interest of the Court.
Our extensive experience of the entire arbitration process is invaluable in the preparation and presentation of cases, responses to claim submissions and in the adjudication, conciliation, arbitration and litigation processes.
All report can be provided in compliance with Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules.
The confidentiality and security of our Clients’ information is assured. Our premises and data storage systems are well protected against physical or electronic intrusion and accidental loss.