Transportation & Travel Plans
Here at GCA we have extensive experience of providing innovative transport solutions. Our expertise can facilitate existing or proposed sites with infrastructure capable of safely accommodating all road users.
Using our broad network of contacts, we can perform the vital liaison role when dealing with Local Authorities to facilitate the approval of Transport Schemes or plans related to development proposals.
Travel plans (sometimes referred to as green travel plans) encompass a range of measures aimed at promoting sustainable travel within an organisation, or at a specific location. They emphasise the reduction of dependency on single occupancy car journeys and promoting forms of sustainable transport. These are now commonplace within development submissions to Local Planning Authorities.
GCA can prepare Travel Plans to support proposals for securing development approvals via planning applications or S106 Agreements, working with the developer, end-users and Local Authorities to ensure a realistic and cost effective plan is developed to meet all user needs.
These travel plans can be highly beneficial, not only for new sites and developments to accompany a planning application or S106 agreement, but existing sites as well.
Schools and Colleges can benefit their students and staff by reducing transports costs and improving site efficiency.
Companies can see similar benefits for their staff and visitors, reducing parking problems and increasing site accessibility can also lead to improvements in staff morale and general health.
By promoting sustainable modes of transport your organisation can have a significant, positive effect on the environment.

We are often asked to provide:
- Transport Assessments
- Transport Statements
- School Travel Plans
- Travel Plans
- Commuter Plans for business premises
- Full traffic engineering design services for new or existing infrastructure
- Visibility Splay Analysis
- Vehicle Sweep Path Analysis
- Access Options Appraisal
Travel Plans may be required:
- To accompany a planning application or S106 agreement
- School or College Travel Plans
- Commuter or Company Travel Plans where:
- There are accessibility problems with the site
- There are parking problems at a site
- An organisation wants to improve their environmental image
- To improve efficiency and reduce transport costs
- To improve staff morale and health